Friday, April 15, 2011

I Love Our Homeschool Group!

It was almost five years ago when i began working with the local teaching co-op. My youngest was a mere 6 weeks old. But the older ones were wanting more interaction, and this seemed like a good place to start. Just 8 half Fridays each semester, with 3 classes each friday. I think there were only about 12 families at the time. All had to agree to a statement of faith, which i didn't really totally agree with due to the wording, but I told them my concerns and they were ok with it. So we joined. The oldest was in third grade back then. We met some great people and kept going. They weren't perfect (just like us!), but they all were trying to live godly lives, and that was worth its weight in gold. But the biggest plus for me was the adult interaction among homeschool moms. All of us were at different points in the journey and all making different decisions, and it was great to bounce ideas off each other. We talked about parenting, homeschooling, and church. I learned so much about love and patience and kindness. As the years have gone by we have been a fluid group and many changes have occurred. We are bigger now, and I think better. This group has put us in contact with so many great families and has been a HUGE blessing. The best part is that now, i am director of this group with a great team of friends to help. I won't always be in this position, and that is a good thing, but it is where I am right now. And it is a blessing to our family. The kids love it and so do I. These moms are like family to me, just as my church family are. Our kids are growing up together and sharing life in a positive setting. Rarely do we encounter negative issues. We have all learned a lot, from the content of the classes and from each other. We learn how to bear with others as they are on their spiritual walk and how to share scripture in a non threatening way, that promotes love and respect. We learn what other "religions" are like, and how we are different, and how to look to the bible for the truth. We learn how to resolve issues and make friends, how to take care of the building and how to share our experiences. We look forward to next semester already, even as this spring semester ended today. What a great place to be!

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