Wednesday, September 4, 2013

One Down, 35 to go...

First week of school is complete. It went very well. It is amazing how much can get done by independent workers, and how much each one has grown over the summer. They are reading and writing better, working on math well, and getting along far better than normal.

Right before we began school, we had a sit down discussion of what was expected from them in their character traits. I think it has made a HUGE difference in the family dynamic. Kids are working together on radio drama and crochet projects and even helping out each other with schoolwork. We started doing some family evening walks a few nights each week. Sometimes it is just Clay and me, but last night we all went, and even ran races together for 2 miles. It was lots of fun. We have been ending our evenings with Once Upon a Time or Warehouse 13. Friday School co-op is planned and is going to be awesome! Dance classes are in full swing. Youth group activities are going strong.

But we have had our glitches....The wood laminate flooring did not get completely installed, so we are still waiting on 2 transition strips, and have yet to completely set up the main computer desk, though the computer is up and running. Everything we need is on a nearby shelf so that has not been an issue, really. One of the bookshelves is precarious due to missing an anchor bolt---it's broken and we need a new shelf soon. One of the laptops overheated and basically died. It has about 6 months of family pictures on it, 5th grade math, and my other email access. I have to get that info off the computer and ready to store elsewhere in the next 7 days. What I really need is a usable third laptop. One of the other laptops is missing the spacebar key...that's fun to work with. My oven is not working well. If the internal temp gets above 370F the whole thing locks us out. Cooking is quite the adventure when you cook, let the oven cool, cook, and repeat until done. Takes much longer, but hopefully that will be repaired by Friday.

But as far as actual schooling, we are in the middle of week 2, everyone is getting their work completed nicely, and choosing fun activities in the spare time.  I suppose chemistry is going well. i am leaving that one to co-op this year. Elementary physics math seems to be going well for Em. Kim is reading nicely, and Jordan and Elizabeth are coming along on their writing. I like to see the dancing, lego building, crocheting, video editing, and bike riding going on.

So, that is just a quick recap. I would post pictures, but the laptop with photos is dead, as I said before, and the desktop won't support my HDSD card, so I have a month of photos still on the camera that I can't unload until the laptop issue is resolved. Maybe soon....if cash allows.
Happy Homeschooling!

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