Thursday, September 26, 2013

Fifth Week of School --Autumn 2013

Here i sit, eating my lunch of chips and salsa, deciding what to tell you.....Lots of things happen here everyday. We generally get up, take care of pets, and drink coffee. Breakfast is sometimes served before devo time, sometimes it is left on the table and grazed upon all morning. The oldest two start school and I work with the three youngest. I sometimes jog before devo, sometimes not. Around lunch we break for some tv and food, do some exercises, and do some cleaning up. Then the afternoon begins. Rotation skills for the younger three, the older ones do homework for co-op classes, and we prep for supper. Our afternoons also consist of various outside activities. Mondays we have ballet 3 and teen ballet, and an occasional cooking night for the youth group at evangelism. On Tuesday we have ballet 1. Wednesdays we have piano, voice (that may be short lived), sometimes regroup with the youth, and bible class. Thursdays we have tap 3 and tap 1 (though the tap 1 kid is thinking of dropping), and high school bible study. After that we load the van for Friday co-op classes...lots of chemistry stuff, sewing machines, fabric, irons, etc. Fridays we go to co-op at 8:30 and get home around 12:40 if we don't have extra radio drama practice. Then there is theater 2 class after supper. The weekends we spend with family, catching up on shopping, working on projects, visiting friends. We still haven't started driver's ed, partly because I forgot to enclose the check to the DMV. Maybe that will arrive soon and we can get the ball rolling. Still, with the cost of insurance, I doubt he will get to test for a license until he is employed next year. I hear it can run $100 per teen driver, per month. OUCH! You can drive when you can cover your insurance cost. I'd rather pay for your cell phone! We have some new favorite shows that we watch this year...Once Upon a time, Agents of SHIELD, and Sherlock is coming soon!
But alas, that is all I can write at this time. I have laundry to finish and some sewing to attend to, while Jacob works with our preacher to get Life Chain commercials finalized, before we swing into the afternoon activity rush.

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